Phänomenologie des Geistes; Wissenschaft der Logik; Enzyklopadie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse; Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts; Girêdanên derve. [133], In the last half of the 20th century, Hegel's philosophy underwent a major renaissance. Rather, it comes to completion in the philosophical comprehension of individual existing human minds who through their own understanding bring this developmental process to an understanding of itself. Viele Philosophen setzten sich  bis in die Gegenwart  intensiv mit ihren Inhalten auseinander u. a. Søren Kierkegaard, Bruno Liebrucks oder Dieter Henrich. Hegel's main philosophical project was to take these contradictions and tensions and interpret them as part of a comprehensive, evolving, rational unity that in different contexts he called "the absolute Idea" (Science of Logic, sections 1781–1783) or "absolute knowledge" (Phenomenology of Spirit, "(DD) Absolute Knowledge"). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (* 27. august 1770, Stuttgart – † 14. november 1831, Berlín) bol nemecký filozof, predstaviteľ nemeckej klasickej filozofie, autor systematickej teórie dialektiky (Dialektika). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (* 27.August 1770 in Stuttgart; † 14. Herbert L. and Patricia Allen Dreyfus). Richard Rojcewicz), CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Insole, C. J., "The Origin of Evil and the Incoherence of Noumenal First Causation", in. Oxford University Press. Here, Hegel published his Philosophy of Right (1821). Hegel's contemporary Schopenhauer was particularly critical and wrote of Hegel's philosophy as "a pseudo-philosophy paralyzing all mental powers, stifling all real thinking". Like Plato, with his dualism of soul versus bodily appetites, Kant pursued the mind's ability to question its felt inclinations or appetites and to come up with a standard of "duty" (or, in Plato's case, "good") which transcends bodily restrictiveness. This period saw the publication of his second major work, the Science of Logic (Wissenschaft der Logik; 3 vols., 1812, 1813 and 1816), and the birth of his two legitimate sons, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm (1813–1901) and Immanuel Thomas Christian (1814–1891). Hegels Logik Hegel wrote Science of Logic after he had completed his Phenomenology of Spirit and while he was in Nuremberg working at a secondary school and courting his fiancée. So he, too, sometimes spoke of God and, more often, of the divine; and because he occasionally took pleasure in insisting that he was really closer to this or that Christian tradition than some of the theologians of his time, he has sometimes been understood to have been a Christian. 1808 wurde er Gymnasialdirektor in Nürnberg, 1816 Professor in Heidelberg und 1818 (bis 1831) dann im preußischen Berlin. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (n. 27 august 1770, Stuttgart - d. 14 noiembrie 1831, Berlin) a fost un filozof german, principal reprezentant al idealismului în filozofia secolului al XIX-lea. Logic cannot tell us whether Socrates is a man or not. GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL (his close family called him simply, "Wilhelm") was born in Stuttgart on the 27th of August 1770 (Hegel's birth house Stuttgart has survived the war. It profoundly impacted many future philosophical schools, including those opposed to Hegel's specific dialectical idealism, such as existentialism, the historical materialism of Marx, historism and British Idealism. Hegel's views on Logic are expressed in his Science of Logic (1812-16) and in a more compact form in the Encyclopaedia Logic (1817, 1827,1830). [84] Others, such as Hans-Georg Gadamer, believe that Hegel's course in the Logic is determined primarily by the associations of ordinary words in the German language. "[51] Martin Heidegger observed in his 1969 work Identity and Difference and in his personal Black Notebooks that Hegel's system in an important respect "consummates western philosophy"[52][53][54] by completing the idea of the logos, the self-grounding ground, in thinking through the identification of Being and beings, which is "the theme of logic", writing "[I]t is... incontestable that Hegel, faithful to tradition, sees the matter of thinking in beings as such and as a whole, in the movement of Being from its emptiness to its developed fullness. "[40], Hegel's work has been considered the "completion of philosophy"[41][42][43] by multiple of the most influential thinkers in existentialism, post-structuralism, and twentieth-century theology. Liceun e mbaroi me 1788 dhe u anetaresua ne seminarin e Tubingenit ku studioi ne deget filozofi dhe teologji. [citation needed]. While in Nuremberg, Hegel adapted his recently published Phenomenology of Spirit for use in the classroom. Hegel and his father also caught the disease, but they narrowly survived. This mind comprehends all of these phases and sub-parts as steps in its own process of comprehension. [112][113][114], Hegel conceived of the immortality of the soul in the following manner in reference to Christianity:[115][116], Thus the immortality of the soul must not be represented as first entering the sphere of reality only at a later stage; it is the actual present quality of spirit; spirit is eternal, and for this reason is already present. [62] Sharing a dislike for what they regarded as the restrictive environment of the Seminary, the three became close friends and mutually influenced each other's ideas. His master–slave dialectic has been influential, especially in 20th-century France. [59]:548 Early the following year, Hegel's sister Christiane committed suicide by drowning. [citation needed]. The origin of philosophy is to be dated from Heraclitus. Hegel was born on 27 August 1770 in Stuttgart, capital of the Duchy of Württemberg in southwestern Germany. ); 1984; "[T]he task that touches the interest of philosophy most nearly at the present moment: to put God back at the peak of philosophy, absolutely prior to all else as the one and only ground of everything." Today this faction continues among conservative Protestants, such as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which was founded by missionaries from Germany when the Hegelian Right was active. Indeed, Hegel originally lectured on the substance of the Logic at Jena under the title Logic and Metaphysics. Other readers have seen the transition passages as indicating only a progressive removal of abstraction and a return to a common sense view of reality (Seth, Trendelenburg). [135] American neoconservative political theorist Francis Fukuyama's controversial book The End of History and the Last Man (1992) was heavily influenced by Kojève. [in itself]....A child, in Hegel's example, is thus 'in itself' the adult it will become: to know what a 'child' is means to know that it is, in some respects, a vacancy which will only gain content after it has grown out of childhood. He is considered one of the fundamental figures of modern Western philosophy, with his influence extending to the entire range of contemporary philosophical issues, from aesthetics to ontology to politics, both in the analytic and continental tradition. "[50] In his work Systematic Theology, theologian Paul Tillich referred to Hegel's work as "perfect essentialism," later writing "essentialism was in Hegel's system fulfilled. His father, Georg Ludwig, was Rentkammersekretär (secretary to the revenue office) at the court of Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg. Rather than simply rejecting Kant's dualism of freedom versus nature, Hegel aims to subsume it within "true infinity", the "Concept" (or "Notion": Begriff), "Spirit" and "ethical life" in such a way that the Kantian duality is rendered intelligible, rather than remaining a brute "given". Hegel's views on Logic are expressed in his Science of Logic (1812-16) and in a more compact form in the Encyclopaedia Logic (1817, 1827,1830). The individual has "substantial freedom in the state". Bei Hegel wird das Thema des Verhältnises von den vielfältigen Phänomene zu einer sie hervorbringenden Einheit zuerst auf der Ebene der Phänomene in der WdL (=Wissenschaft der Logik) den Abschnitt zur Endlichkeit besprochen, insbesondere im Abschnitt zur Bestimmtheit (siehe und natürlich jeweils den dort verlinkten Hegeltext dazu). God rises again to life, and thus things are reversed". He determined ontology as absolute logic; he assembled all the delimitations of philosophy as presence," later remarking that Hegel is thus "the last philosopher of the book and the first philosopher of writing," indicating the relation of Hegel to post-structural thought by stating "if there were a definition of Différance, it would be precisely the limit, the interruption, the destruction of the Hegelian dialectical synthesis wherever it operates. [59]:337, In 1811, Hegel married Marie Helena Susanna von Tucher (1791–1855), the eldest daughter of a Senator. This means that Jesus, as the Son of God, is posited by God over and against himself as other. However, Hegel interprets not-A as not existing at all, not nothing at all, which cannot be conceived, but an indeterminate or "pure" being without particularity or specificity. He started Hegelianism and is a part of German Idealism. [94] In his Phenomenology of Spirit and his Science of Logic, Hegel's concern with Kantian topics such as freedom and morality and with their ontological implications is pervasive. p. 1. Va rebre la seva formació en el Tübinger Stift (seminari luterà adscrit a la Universitat de Tübingen), on va fer amistat amb el futur filòsof Friedrich Schelling i el poeta Friedrich Hölderlin. In 1776, he entered Stuttgart's gymnasium illustre and during his adolescence read voraciously, copying lengthy extracts in his diary. "[145], Karl Popper wrote that "there is so much philosophical writing (especially in the Hegelian school) which may justly be criticised as meaningless verbiage". To the contrary, the fundamental notion of Hegel's dialectic is that things or ideas have internal contradictions. O finito ten que chegar a ser infinito para acadar a realidade. The "thesis–antithesis–synthesis" approach erroneously gives the sense that things or ideas are contradicted or opposed by things that come from outside them. This liberal distinction between political society and civil society was used by Alexis de Tocqueville. Thus we have doctrines of being, essence and the concept. Er studierte in Tübingen, habilitierte 1801 mit einer Habilitationsschrift an der Universität Jena (Dr. phil. [146] Popper also makes the claim in the second volume of The Open Society and Its Enemies (1945) that Hegel's system formed a thinly veiled justification for the absolute rule of Frederick William III and that Hegel's idea of the ultimate goal of history was to reach a state approximating that of 1830s Prussia. According to Hegel, this unity evolved through and manifested itself in contradiction and negation. This view, sometimes referred to as the "non-metaphysical option", has influenced many major English-language studies of Hegel. In his discussion of "Spirit" in his Encyclopedia, Hegel praises Aristotle's On the Soul as "by far the most admirable, perhaps even the sole, work of philosophical value on this topic". Furthermore, in Hegel's language the "dialectical" aspect or "moment" of thought and reality, by which things or thoughts turn into their opposites or have their inner contradictions brought to the surface, what he called Aufhebung, is only preliminary to the "speculative" (and not "synthesizing") aspect or "moment", which grasps the unity of these opposites or contradiction. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27. ágúst 1770 í Stuttgart í Þýskalandi – 14. nóvember 1831 í Berlín í Þýskalandi) var þýskur heimspekingur fæddur í Stuttgart í Württemberg, í dag í suðvestur Þýskalandi. If I know the premisses to be true, I can see that the conclusion must be true. The concepts here from being on are so general and omnipresent in consciousness though, that arguably little new light can be shed on them by such abstract discussions and the reader may leave the book with an air composed in equal parts of disappointment and bafflement. Hegelov otec bol vyšším úradníkom vo vojvodových službách. Hegel wrote that, ...profounder insight into the antinomial, or more truly into the dialectical nature of reason demonstrates any Concept [Begriff] whatsoever to be a unity of opposed elements [Momente] to which, therefore, the form of antinomial assertions could be given.[82]. Juli 2008 an der Universität Kassel durchführten. [85] However, regardless of its status as a formal logic, Hegel clearly understood the course of his logic to be reflected in the course of history: ...different stages of the logical Idea assume the shape of successive systems, each based on a particular definition of the Absolute. Sora sa, Christiane va preda mai târziu la … --Stephen Cowley 14:10, 16 September 2006 (IST). Hegel. [96] Böhme had written that the Fall of Man was a necessary stage in the evolution of the universe. 2008. György Lukács' History and Class Consciousness (1923) helped to reintroduce Hegel into the Marxist canon. The finite has to become infinite in order to achieve reality. [44][45][46][47][48][49] Derrida wrote of Hegel in his work Of Grammatology that "he undoubtedly summed up the entire philosophy of the logos. Each new logic book staked a new claim in a century-long expansionist turf war among philosophical trends.[79]. In Britain, the Hegelian British idealism school (members of which included Francis Herbert Bradley, Bernard Bosanquet and in the United States Josiah Royce) was challenged and rejected by analytic philosophers Moore and Russell. Studi yang komprehensif dan eksposisi yang sangat jelas oleh filsuf Kanada tentang pemikiran Hegel dan dampaknya terhadap masalah-masalah … as a mystic and hermetic thinker. Today, it hosts a Hegel Museum) This sparked a renewed interest in Hegel reflected in the work of Herbert Marcuse, Theodor W. Adorno, Ernst Bloch, Raya Dunayevskaya, Alexandre Kojève and Gotthard Günther among others. Hegel and his father also caught the disease, but they narrowly survived. [59]:238, In November 1808, Hegel was again through Niethammer, appointed headmaster of a gymnasium in Nuremberg, a post he held until 1816. Thomas Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), which give only a limited role to reason in identifying problems in a given network of concepts, but leave the proposal of solutions to imagination or an ill defined "creativity". "Rezension des Aenesidemus" ("Review of Aenesidemus"), This term is actually quite rare in Hegel's writings. From Concept to Objectivity: Thinking Through Hegel's Subjective Logic. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Georg Vilhelm Fridrih Hegel; jetoi nga 27 gushti 1770 - 14 nëntor 1831), ishte filozof gjerman. The limitations represent fetters, which it must constantly cast off as it becomes freer and more self-determining.[106]. Hegel war Kind eines pietistischen Beamten. (Karl Barth. This eternity of Spirit in itself means that Spirit is, to begin with, potential; but the next standpoint implies that Spirit ought to be what it is in its essential and complete nature, in-and-for-itself. In the United States, Hegel's influence is evident in pragmatism. "Why did Hegel not become for the Protestant world something similar to what Thomas Aquinas was for Roman Catholicism?" [118], Hegel seemed to have an ambivalent relationship with magic, myth and Paganism. For these scholars, fairly well represented by the Hegel Society of America and in cooperation with German scholars such as Otto Pöggeler and Walter Jaeschke, Hegel's works should be read without preconceptions. Kaufmann also pointed out that Hegel's references to God or to the divine and spirit drew on classical Greek as well as Christian connotations of the terms. Hegel recounted his impressions in a letter to his friend Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer: I saw the Emperor—this world-soul [Weltseele]—riding out of the city on reconnaissance. Those without this background would be advised to begin with one of the many general introductions to his thought. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (født 27. august 1770 i Stuttgart, død 14. november 1831 i Berlin) var en tysk filosof. Hegel's posthumous works have had remarkable influence on subsequent works on religion, aesthetics, and history because of the comprehensive accounts of the subject matters considered within the lectures, with Heidegger for example in Poetry, Language, Thought characterizing Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics as the "most comprehensive reflection on the nature of art that the West possesses—comprehensive because it stems from metaphysics."[124]. In the middle section, Hegel shows a considerable knowlege of mathematics, both geometry and algebra and their combination that was begun by Descartes and produces arguments against "the high repute of the progress to infinity". Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (/ ˈ h eɪ ɡ əl /; tiếng Đức: [ˈɡeɔɐ k ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈheːɡəl]; 27 tháng 8 năm 1770 - 14 tháng 11 năm 1831) là một nhà triết học người Đức.Cùng với Johann Gottlieb Fichte và Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Hegel được coi là người sáng lập ra chủ nghĩa duy tâm Đức. The Logic of Desire: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Hegel secured a position at the University of Jena as a Privatdozent (unsalaried lecturer) after submitting the inaugural dissertation De Orbitis Planetarum, in which he briefly criticized arguments that assert—based on Bode's Law or other arbitrary choice of mathematical series—there must exist a planet between Mars and Jupiter. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (* 27. august 1770, Stuttgart – † 14. november 1831, Berlín) bol nemecký filozof, predstaviteľ nemeckej klasickej filozofie, autor systematickej teórie dialektiky . This contrasts with some modern theorists of conceptual change, e.g. Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books. [59][77] His last words are said to have been, "There was only one man who ever understood me, and even he didn't understand me. Hegel was deeply disturbed by the riots for reform in Berlin in that year. It was written in Hegel's hand, but may have been authored by Hegel, Schelling, Hölderlin, or an unknown fourth person.[67]. In 1831, Frederick William III decorated him with the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd Class for his service to the Prussian state. In accordance with his wishes, Hegel was buried in the Dorotheenstadt cemetery next to Fichte and Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger. [126], According to Walter Kaufmann, the basic idea of Hegel's works, especially the Phenomenology of Spirit, is that a philosopher should not "confine him or herself to views that have been held but penetrate these to the human reality they reflect". [75]:207–208, In 1819–1827, he made two trips to Weimar, where he met Goethe, and to Brussels, the Northern Netherlands, Leipzig, Vienna, Prague, and Paris.[76]. Having received his theological certificate (Konsistorialexamen) from the Tübingen Seminary, Hegel became Hofmeister (house tutor) to an aristocratic family in Bern (1793–1796). Contradiction and negation have the dynamic quality that every point in each domain of reality—consciousness, history, philosophy, art, nature and society—leads to further development until a rational unity is reached that preserves the contradictions as phases and sub-parts by lifting them up (Aufhebung) to a higher unity. Hegel's Logic however is a synthetic logic in which much that might more naturally be called metaphysics is treated as inseparable from what we call logical or conceptual truth. Author's preface to "On The Fourfold Root of the Principle of sufficient reason. In 1817, Hegel published The Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline as a summary of his philosophy for students attending his lectures at Heidelberg. ), wurde Lehrer in Bern und Frankfurt am Main und 1805 Philosophieprofessor in Jena. Christened Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, he was known as Wilhelm to his close family. This may be explained by reference to Descartes, who began his constructive thought with the proposition "I think, therefore I am". those written before The Phenomenology of Spirit). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (27. august 1770 Stuttgart – 14. november 1831 Berliin) oli saksa filosoof.

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