I hope you have a nice night. Similarly, “Do not use this technology for evil!” makes it all but impossible not to use it for evil. The comments are all full of people praising them for being so smart and having the courage to go against their parents. I did have a Paddington the other day. Yes! It occurs to me that reconciling differences is a positive thing when normal people do it, because the aim is usually to arrive at a conclusion which will be to the greater good. It’s as if they’re laboriously forming words using a stylus and clay tablet, or a chisel and a slab of granite. We are committed to this and if that means screwing up our own lives, our families’ lives, and of course the lives of every man woman and child in the country, and across the world, forever, so be it, we can’t go back on our bullshit now, it would create mayhem. it would seem that hardly anyone knows you are a project How has it come to this, a civilised democracy brought to its knees by an incompetent NHS, three rogue scientists (Witless, Unbalanced and Pantsdown) and a Prime Minister who is totally unfit for any sort of responsibility and a LOTO who is worse than useless and and has no idea what the word opposition means. Utah is right wing and SLC is probably more right wing than other cities due to it being founded by Mormons who essentially run much of the state. It’s all in our minds. Monkeys are somewhat single-minded. I need a break. Aren’t the rulers clever? And we are all part of the ‘human husbandry’. It was obviously a preemptive coopting of the phrase. Behind their political personas these vermin are just mere mortals like everyone else. It’s really difficult to say more as open minded medical folk with no agenda other than getting rid of the so called virus are being kept away from doing so. The levels of compliance are very high. I do happen to believe technology is dangerous in and of itself. But was that due to a failure of government policy or to capitalist corner-cutting? They can hardly blame The Russians. Who want you to choke while they obsess about carbon dioxide that you cannot feel – while diesel particulates and monoxide you certainly can. The Godhead that’s in place now are telling us that if you can’t see it or measure it it isn’t of any worth or use to anyone. I re-read this story a few months back while in the midst of this mania. Use the HTML below. It’s Pizzagate 2.0, A Fake Document, Russia’s Fault, Deep Fake Porn/ Then lo and behold, it’s an interview with none other than Neil Ferguson, who is standing by his predictions of the apocolypse, even though he is now in the running to overtake Tony Blair as the biggest bullshitting cnut the world has ever witnessed, ruining the lives of millions and billions of people with his fraudulent activity. A man gave the dreaded stare. C. That “something has gone terribly wrong” can be a subject to Occam’s Razor, and is morally risky because, by appearing as ‘good news,’ it leads to self-complacency. How in the hell do they put that mask on so willingly each day? Any one claming that people have died from a virus which has not been scientifically proven to exist is on very shaky ground at this stage in the proceedings. : “From what I can see it would appear a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is actually now anyone who believes something other than what your controllers want them to believe… I find this deeply disturbing”, This is awesome! I think there are two reasons that so far I have so far as I am aware, never had cancer, and neither has my wife, is because she reads all these magazines about eating healthy food, and when our kids came hom from school, they didn’t ask their Mum for a Mars Bar – They asked her for a Raw Carrot…and ate it… If 95% could do this and hit the streets at the same time as they are showing us how to do in Italy and many other European countries. There is a “surge,” a “second wave,” an “upswing,” our cases are “skyrocketing” and we’re all “horrified” that our fellow man is “not caring enough to mask up” and shut up. The key word here is “legitimate”. …with nothing to stop them. The human animal is under threat either way as they use their twisted and counterfeit scientific rationale to merge man and technology; ‘science man’. 2. A guy dressed as Jesus showed up and blessed the gathering. So how does that work? Jo, Johnson can’t sack Whitty or Vallance. There you are quietly minding your own business in lockdown heaven when a huge hulking conspiracy theory with blood red fangs comes swooping down to bite you? In Wales we have this strange sight of goods that are taped off. Apparently not, the three tiers will still remain. The Parable of the Monkeys can be readily applied to just about every organizational community structure in the human sphere. I know nothing about his Mum. I will sleep all the better now. “We can’t live in a total-surveillance society,” he adds. http://www.portsmouthlabourparty.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/336/2020/05/waspi-800×0-c-default.jpg. Vashti continues with her life, but eventually defects begin to appear in the Machine. Nathan Freise. But the 00.01% have the magic; the guns; the book of rules and ‘regs’. The devolving of physical relationships and whole societies, up against an accelerating, digitalized, virtual world is not a social dilemma. Symbol: nm Nice proverb. They quickly forget that they should be according to the ever changing rules / laws be wearing a mask. Twitter’s limit isn’t designed to promote concise, pithy comments, or for esthetic reasons– it’s just a blunt instrument to grab maximum dumbed-down eyeballs. Both isolated and detached from the physical presence of one another, and nature herself, we are in freefall. In his Press Conference Johnson, Witless and Unbalanced all said the NHS would be overwhelmed so, once again, people lose their jobs and the economy tanked and the hospitality and retail sector tanked during a period which is their most profitable and they could recoup a lot of the losses due the first lockdown. I’ve always thought this story is amazingly prescient! The people live in their own individual octagonal cells which are all identical to each other. Some take it to extremes. Fan out, occupy every borough centre..and stay until ‘they’ capitulate. Unbalanced has personally invested £600,000 in a company that is going to develop vaccines and Witless, at the end of his tenure, is taking up a very lucrative post at WHO. i exist here when using mine It was a weird experience and now I roll my eyes at everything I see on the news or in any supposed “talking to people on the streets” type footage. They are above him in the pecking order. How are our Grandkids going to learn how to swim??? I tell them there is no need for a mask. She doesn’t. He breaches lockdown rules and goes and shags his mistress!! Not the British way issit? When does the health part kick in? The PCR Test measures RNA not CV-19. Get out there. And now she’s wearing sable. And the strategy to combat the virus has been handed to a software magnate and a group of big stock holders in the companies that are waiting to produce a vast amount of vaccines ( which also has the software magnates’ financial interests at heart).No doctors. The lockdown in France is not because of the spread of CV-19 but because Macron really is up against it, really up against it. The big question is now, what happens after this alleged ‘saviour’ lockdown. Where do you live? On the day where the last actual data are available, the “worst case” starts at a value more than double the actual value! “Infocalypse” Deep Fakes 90% Online Content Soon/ All the empty testing centres as well. There are no apertures for ventilation, yet the air is fresh. OR he might have been influenced by his experience during WWII. Phew! Sorry, this is much longer than I intended. I have been challenged just a few times about not wearing a mask. Therefore, individuals are isolated and packed into small beehive­like structures underground. To honor this contretemps, I composed a limerick: Jack and Jill their eggs did chill How does Neil Ferguson sleep at night? A majority of our Family were born and brought up in London, My wife and I were born and brought up in Lancashire. Many of them without a silver linen. These are real people, it is not a drama show using actors. ARORA machine creates the direct broadcast virtual reality that people live as their true reality (DBDR) where everything appears normal but is far from it. I don’t know if I understand the science well enough to say, but I do believe we should be allowed to choose how we want to react to it, without coercion or force. Compliant masses, – even when they do what we dream about, namely : resist the establishment en masse simultaneously – are likely to do so ineffectively. My acquaintances in the urban area nearby are terrified. I am in the Northeast US, where masks are gleefully embraced.. people still wearing them while alone on the sidewalk or in cars, even (especially) the elderly. There is a choice. So I googled her name. And you could likely go on individually replacing monkeys one at a time forever and expect the same result. He quickly concluded that climbing the ladder wasn’t a good idea. This explains what we know about the rituals of Skull and Bones. “It will begin at 00.01 on Thursday 5 November and finish at 00.01 on Wednesday 2 December – which is very different to the first open-ended lockdown. I try to tell people that this will not end until we push back and say NO no more, are particles that exist on a nanometre scale (i.e., below 100 nm in at least one dimension). Anyway, PM me for our Hospital address and I will buzz you in. once, it was the hands that generated the tools that commanded the noise, then came the machines repetitive clatter, the hand disarmed to little more than a silent assistant, body impoverished and intelligence modified – But before natures connection was weakened…a message was attached to the collapsing precipice. Here’s a very informative article on mask wearing written in 2016. That’s good for the statistics and good for the public health system. Agreed. Only the older person and their family don’t know it’s on their file! It is lighted neither by window nor by lamp, yet it is filled with a soft radiance. I don’t think he receives notifications of replies… Simply, with each new trick, a proportion of the populace gets distracted, and a number of distractions of different kinds results in loss of a critical mass of people that can counteract effectively. It made me a bit weak- as if I had a mild flu, and I was a bit deaf in one ear – but I fixed that -with ear drops from Asda – mainly urea (piss) and hydrogen peroxide – blondes use it..and it bubbled in my ear – loosening the ear wax, most of which came out on my wifes pillow as I was cuddling her in my sleep…. Which is also the very thing which makes us so fed up with this covidiocy nightmare, and the thing which seems to be showing no sign at all of having come to the end of its evolution. But they seem content when I say I am exempt. If they are saying we only have 10 years to save the planet then why bother? Add the first question. Since I absolutely believe geoengineering – climate engineering (i.e., climate disruption) – is occurring, and has been for several decades, I also accept that the atmosphere is filled with toxic climate disrupting particles (heavy metals, polymers) that rain down on everyone – and are breathed in constantly. Recollections: France c. 2011, Croatia in the 1990s : each had a president who was apparently a nutcase. Thus providing a way for the ruling elites to cull the disobedient, who (like me) will never wear a mask unless it’s to purchase needed goods and services; while preserving the obedient, who wear their mask everywhere, a while longer. There is not enough national and widespread condemnation of Witless and Unbalanced. I have become so cynical re: the news that I don’t take anything they say at face value. The rulers know their bullshit is being stretched to the utmost limit and an oppositional volcanic eruption is on its way. I have presented my ebay exemption card once. Beware the false allies: We are blinkered in this country about them. How about peculiarly malleable science? Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Now, is it more scandalous for at least 25,000 deaths to have occurred at home for people who have had life saving cancer treatment, stroke treatment, diabetes treatment etc cancelled by the NHS (and totally avoidable deaths) or died due to cancellation of diagnostic services or a few thousand deaths (not cases) with an IFR of o.3% with CV-19 most of which deaths were in the older aged population who had two or more already serious long term co-morbid conditions? He was very religious and He was very Clever…he lived nearly another 30 years….didn’t quite make 60. And of course there are valid debates about the still-developing science. Title: The rest were obedient to California’s ban on Halloween. After another couple of hours, the third monkey couldn’t resist and he went for it. This site is the closest I get to social media. About 90% were not wearing masks. It served to appease any crisis of conscience they may have suffered. I agree, Boris looks frightened to death. I wasn’t sure – and didn’t wish to undertake a search to determine how big a nano-particle is. There is nothing inherently dangerous about AI & Technology, they are benign, it is how they are used that is important. All I got in reply was I don’t know. Hopefully others will spot that and see the point . Paul, excellent observations. However, since we are not allowed out and they have no right of entry into anyone’s house I’m not quite sure about how they are going to achieve this. https://www.yankodesign.com/2020/04/30/this-air-purifying-face-shield-creates-a-bubble-of-safety-around-its-wearer/. Ordered? The rules are strictly for other people, which is how he sleeps at night. Private versus state education, Jean. When the young ape asks, “What will Taylor find in the Forbidden Zone?” Zaius responds, “His destiny.”. In a sense, it “looks after them”, and sees to it that serious threats to their existence are learned by the entire species. Physical is dangerous, digital is safe. We are supposed to believe their job is to counter disinformation, whereas it is really to generate it. And there it is! Interesting story, but we are not monkeys. Come 2nd December Witless and Unbalanced will no doubt trot out some more wildly faked figures. As they approach the house they go to put there masks on. In my book that’s I think, 3.5m per week and growing according to them. I’ve been sent abuse, even death threats.”, “But what about those who are only starting down that path?”. This is before the full subjugation and capabilities of the machine are revealed to the reader. What is certain though, this whole thing is beginning to backfire on Johnson and his Cabinet. Often when I return to OffG after going to a fellow commenter’s link the screen is filled with a large yellow star – so large that I cannot see it in its entirety. I do feel like I’m missing something though, I have no idea how else to find out about protests. he laughs at sheep and counts pound coins. Third generation sterilisation. So life went on among the monkeys and after some time the first of the “new” monkeys was replaced with yet another monkey. Where are the Police, we might ask? Also, it is now well established internationally that the PCR test is not designed for viruses and returns an 80% false positive. They can possess physical properties such as uniformity, conductance or special optical properties that make them desirable in materials science and biology, Then, I ask, what’s the point of this? What they are presenting are wild projections going into February. While technically more science fiction than horror, there’s no denying terrifying nature of the world Forster shows us. March along to his house. Hotline: US+China Top Brass Crises Talks/ Wall St Expects 20% Plunge/ Car Slams Mecca Grand Mosque/ Democrat Immigration Filmmaker Votes Trump/ UN: Stop Greening The Sahara!/ Covid Gaelic Gulag/ Legal Pot Psychosis/ Clown Runs OR Health DeptBOMBSHELL REPORT: Hunter Biden With Young Black Woman + Malia Obama Coke Credit Card Photo Reported by Christian News. Do you have any links to provide us with your sources for that all to logical info about the third gen sterilization? A CGTN documentary could only quote individuals whose elderly parents died at care homes. I would like to bring your attention to a new smack in the face movie trailer on Pandemic Predictive Programing entitled SONGBIRD where the cosmocrats are setting us all up to be cooked via Covid- 23 nonsense. One of the monkeys, who was both clever and agile (and also liked bananas), decided to head up the ladder to grab a banana. What better example to see their machinations in motion. Kuno and Vashti, have differing opinions about the world which they live in and their interaction and conflict as their society comes to a sudden collapse. Out on the street. I had no defence against this, except I had a nice garden..so to keep busy and get exercise, I bought a rotavator -which scare’s the sh1t out of me..I certainly wouldn’t let my wife use it – its like a bucking bronco ..but is very good at digging up soil for potatoes and other vegetables, My wife just screamed at me..They have shut down almost Everything Again…. Giuliani Smeared/ . Definition of a nanometre from Wikipedia: The nanometre (international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: nm) or nanometer (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth (short scale) of a metre (0.000000001 m). You are welcome to join my team and I in one of our new NHS Dance Videos! We know what it’s about, they want rid of the population, but I’m not an activist. I am still here at the age of 67, fit and healthy – well could be better…I was a lot fitter when I was 24, but it still works. I may need to join Facebook just to stay up to date on the protests. http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2020/10/28/its-not-a-social-dilemma-its-the-calculated-destruction-of-the-social/. The original organizers said they were harassed and intimidated by local authorities and cancelled the event, but people still came. Yes it’s Orwell’s world now. Johnson said yesterday that people should still go to the NHS with non Covid conditions. I anticipate a wily cop saying surely there are trees closer to home. Yeah I noticed it. Masks are basically a security blanket and/or a symbol of submission. You also accused me of being a big fan of Trump in the middle of “Trump Country.” So I guess my perception of your entire post is that it was full of disdain for me and the place where I live. code named defective obrien. During the new lockdown we are all excited and fired up for another round of singing and dancing our way through the long days of boredom – just like we did during the first lockdown. She homeskilled her kids, and her husband is a Rock Guitarist, but none of them are famous…, Eventually she asked her Parents, if they could pay for her to see another Doctor…. Quotes . All I know is that, prior to taking part in the trials, these people were healthy and alive. It is lighted neither by window nor by lamp, yet it is filled with a soft radia nce. Sad. There is a type of post that appears every so often on Reddit. A Radio 4 programme boiled the benefit of no Swedish lockdown down to a slight economic advantage, but everything else showed it was a mistake! Such a variability «fan» needs to start expanding from the Current point of last observed “actual”. Tony, of course he has a say in the matter. Yet you still keep wearing your masks, and I will not even speak to you, cos I can’t hear you muffling your words behind that mask that you insist on wearing. She is 87 years old now, and lives alone in her own home, and I am dying to see her again. It’s way above his pay grade. However, I had a large glass of whiskey to hand (on which I nearly choked) and it looks to me as though, yes you are right about the grand plan collapsing especially given the massive demonstrations around the world, but also, and please do not take this comment as defending Johnson because he is a buffoon and an idiot, but he looked drained, tired and rambling. ”. He tried it and then was roped in to an interview with their camera crew. If there were humans in that cage instead of monkeys, just the sound or rumor of gushing water would be enough to send them scurrying away from the bananas. Children learning not to touch. On this, I don’t claim to be right, so I have no problem if you take this with a grain of salt. I just knew they were trying to kill us off, and will continue to do so. The big clampdown is now underway. https://www.aier.org/article/imperial-college-model-applied-to-sweden-yields-preposterous-results/. Or false. Whenever dictators rear their heads and begin their evil business, it’s always artists who are first to go. But it’s metaphysical speculation. Sorry to hear that you have gotten nasty comments. For the children lost their way He’s RIGHT about man’s irredeemable nature! What else could t mean. I am in no doubt Cummings is behind a lot of this. I’ll take assisted suicide to escape this nightmare. ha, its the ultimate form of gaslighting, hunting and harrassing concerned citzens, liberally salted with mockery and ridicule all the while nurturing and nourishing a draconian nightmare for a dysgenic evil kleptocracy that pays their wine and coke bills. Yeah, but the mythical monkeys actually were tortured by the hose. Too much stiff upper lip etc. From the article in that last link (The Independent): Neil Tennant, a former Labour donor who has stopped giving money to and voting for Labour because of ID cards, says: “My specific fear is that we are going to create a society where a policeman stops me on the way to Waitrose on the King’s Road and says, ‘Can I see your identity card?’ I don’t see why I should have to do that.” Tennant says he may leave the country if a compulsory ID card comes into force. The problem I have is, if this is meant to be the ‘saviour’ that will bring that fictitious R level down, then I must necessarily assume that from 2nd December, Job Done, that all restrictions should be lifted and life return to normal. That is your usual schtick, when your not on about your family. Masks might actually help filter some of these nano-particles out. Unless there is mass protests this is going to continue until spring with possibly a slight relaxation over Christmas. There’s 99.99% of us with it. Black eternal sentries I voted for Jill Stein. I hope they are all O.K. Fuk off. It’s abstract. Same thing—a fire hose washed all three monkeys over to the side of the cage. Get a large group of Wetherspoon’s clientele. You’re not paying enough attention. The Machine Stops is a three chapters novelette written in 1909 by the author of A Passage to India; probably one of the earliest dystopian works of the 20th century, before Brave New World or 1984. Couple this with a Prime Minister who is not built in anyway for any sort of responsibility, it is a dangerous, toxic combination. Hence it becomes the adversary of life and of the human soul in the service of Ahriman the great deceiver who wishes to steer human evolution on an entirely different course .

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