Excludes spending by independent expenditure concerns. Similar to Senator Bob Dole's 1996 presidential campaign, one of the more widely leveled charges against McCain was the issue of his age—he turned 72 in August and there was widespread concern about the idea of electing a man who would be 80 years old if he completed two full terms in office (the oldest president, Ronald Reagan, had been a month shy of 78 when he left office in January 1989). The study found that Obama received 69% favorable coverage and Clinton received 67%, compared to only 43% favorable media coverage of McCain. All American networks called the election in favor of Obama at 11:00 PM as the polls closed on the West Coast. [20][26] She also carried the primary in Texas, but Obama won the Texas caucuses held the same day and netted more delegates from the state than Clinton. McCain eventually displaced Rudy Giuliani and Romney as the front runner in New Hampshire. Obama had maintained a similar advantage over Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary.[115]. [138] An October 29 study found 29% of stories about Obama to be negative, compared to 57% of stories about McCain being negative.[139]. Moderators Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos were criticized by viewers, bloggers and media critics for the poor quality of their questions. [159][160], No other candidate had ballot access in enough states to win 270 electoral votes. [94][95], John McCain's proposals focused on open-market competition rather than government funding or control. Es gab keinen „faithless elector“, also einen abweichend von seiner Verpflichtung stimmenden Wahlmann. Für den neugewählten Präsidenten findet Obama nur lobende Worte, obwohl er mit ihm politisch nicht immer einer Meinung war. It was broadcast on cable by C-SPAN and on the Internet by Break-the-Matrix. Candidates for the presidency typically seek the nomination of one of the political parties, in which case each party devises a method (such as a primary election) to choose the candidate the party deems best suited to run for the position. 1888 • Traditionally, the primary elections are indirect elections where voters cast ballots for a slate of party delegates pledged to a particular candidate. Election Day was on November 4, 2008. 1980 • [181] McCain won whites 55–43 percent, while Obama won blacks 95–4 percent,[182] Hispanics 67–31 percent, and Asians 62–35 percent. Er stand in fünf US-Bundesstaaten auf dem Wahlzettel, obwohl er kein Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten ist. The majority of states allowed early voting, with all states allowing some form of absentee voting. Naturgemäß sind die Gegner des Demokraten Obama im Lager der Republikaner zu suchen. [100], A poll released in early November 2008 found that voters supporting Obama listed health care as their second priority; voters supporting McCain listed it as fourth, tied with the war in Iraq. The right wing of the ACLU", "Confidence sinks to lowest since 2002 as fear tightens its hold on US consumers", "Bush says he wants McCain to win presidency", "History and Necessity Unite Bush, McCain", "Obama Ends Campaign Ahead In Ohio And Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds", "Christian evangelicals send McCain a message", "Palin gets media savaging after faltering interview", "Sarah Palin seen as beacon of hope as defeat at poll looms", "Exit polls: Obama wins big among young, minority voters", "Investors Bail Out: The D word going cheap", "U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes: 110th Congress, 2nd Session", "What caused McCain's poll numbers to fall? 1972 • Der Termin des Super Tuesdays war bei beiden Parteien der 5. "One 72 year old heartbeat away from the presidency" became a popular anti-GOP slogan. Der Juni war noch geprägt von den Nachwirkungen der Rivalität zwischen Obama und Clinton. He eventually decided to attend the first presidential debate on September 26, despite Congress' lack of immediate action on the bill. 1864 • 1992 • Beginnen wir mit zwei Zahlen: Am Montag, dem 11. He won every region of the country by double digits except the South, which John McCain won by nine percent. “In kommenden Jahren könnten Historiker die Wahl von Barack Obama im Jahre 2008 als unbegreifliches und beunruhigendes Phänomen betrachten; Ergebnis einer erstaunlichen Art von Massenhysterie, die vielleicht mit der Hexenverfolgung im Mittelalter vergleichbar ist.” Auch die Wahlbeteiligung war außergewöhnlich hoch. 66 Prozent der US-Amerikaner machten von ihrem Wahlrecht Gebrauch - so viele, wie seit 100 Jahren nicht mehr. The following table records the official vote tallies for each state for those presidential candidates who were listed on ballots in enough states to have a theoretical chance for a majority in the Electoral College. These were the Constitution Party, the Green Party, and the Libertarian Party. [143], Following Obama's speech, spontaneous street parties broke out in cities across the United States including Philadelphia, Houston, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, Boston, Los Angeles, Portland, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Denver, Atlanta, Madison, and New York City[144] and around the world in London; Bonn; Berlin; Obama, Japan; Toronto; Rio de Janeiro; Sydney; and Nairobi. According to required campaign filings as reported by the Federal Election Commission (FEC), 148 candidates for all parties collectively raised $1,644,712,232 and spent $1,601,104,696 for the primary and general campaigns combined through November 24, 2008. McCain, unlike Bush in 2000 and 2004, failed to win all the southern states: Obama won Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. [60] By this time, after several scandals, no success in the early primaries, and a third-place finish in Florida, Giuliani conceded from the nomination race and endorsed John McCain the next day. 1996 • McCain staged a turnaround victory,[57] having been written off by the pundits and polling in single digits less than a month before the race. Joseph Antos, Gail Wilensky, and Hanns Kuttner. One source reported that if the costs for both Democratic and Republican campaigns were added together (for the presidential primary election, general election, and the political conventions), the costs have more than doubled in only eight years ($448.9 million in 1996, $649.5 million in 2000, and $1.01 billion in 2004). Hier hatte Ralph Nader für Überraschungen gesorgt, der zwar als unabhängiger Kandidat antrat, aber dennoch in mehreren Vorwahlen zahlreiche Stimmen erhielt. Seine Rede vor der Berliner Siegessäule zog rund 200.000 Menschen an. Obama had over 2 million American supporters on Facebook and 100,000 followers on Twitter, while McCain attracted only 600,000 Facebook supporters (likes) and 4,600 followers on Twitter. Regarding McCain, 53% of voters viewed his press coverage as fair versus 44% who characterized it as unfair. Obwohl John McCain schon im März seiner Kandidatur sicher sein und damit direkt in den Hauptwahlkampf starten konnte, blieben seine Wahlkampfauftritte wenig beachtet, da sich die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf das enge Rennen zwischen Barack Obama und Hillary Clinton konzentrierte. The 2008 United States presidential election was the 56th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Obama und McCain waren die einzigen Kandidaten, die in allen Staaten sowie dem District of Columbia antraten. 1844 • 1928 • Clinton won a majority of delegates and popular votes from both states (though 40% voted uncommitted in Michigan) and subsequently led a fight to seat all the Florida and Michigan delegates. The general election in November is also an indirect election, where voters cast ballots for a slate of members of the Electoral College; these electors in turn directly elect the president and vice president. In both states, two electoral votes are awarded to the winner of the statewide race and one electoral vote is awarded to the winner of each congressional district.[169][170]. His age in particular was considered a liability against the youthful Senator Obama, who was the first Generation Xer to run for president on a major party ticket. [132][133] Many viewers said they considered some of the questions irrelevant when measured against the importance of the faltering economy or the Iraq War. 1820 • [75][76][77] In March 2008, Bush endorsed McCain at the White House,[78] but did not make a single appearance for McCain during the campaign. Außerdem befanden sich die Resultate in zahlreiche Staaten noch innerhalb der statistischen Unsicherheit, so dass eine Umfrage nicht notwendigerweise eine realistische Einschätzung des Abstimmverhaltens des Staates ist. ... Obamas unsichtbarer Gegner. Von den anderen Kandidaten trat Nader in 46 Staaten an, Barr in 45, Baldwin in 37 und McKinney in 32. [116] The 2008 election showed huge increases in Internet use. Joe Biden findet in seiner Rede empathische und versöhnliche Worte: „Wir mögen Gegner sein, aber keine Feinde. 1856 • [81] Advantages for McCain and Obama on experience and the ability to bring change, respectively, remained steady through the November 4 election. He also made a strong appeal to youth voters and back during his primary contest with Hillary Clinton, had stated "When I watched the feud between the Clintons and [Newt Gingrich] unfold during the 1990s, I was reminded of old quarrels started on college campuses long ago. These included Florida, Indiana, Virginia, and the western states of Colorado and Nevada. [47] With no members of the Bush administration emerging as major contenders for the Republican nomination, the Republican race was as open as the Democratic race. Einige Parteien nominierten einen eigenen Kandidaten. Governor of Montana, John Bohlinger, accused the Montana Republican Party of vote caging to purge 6,000 voters from three counties which trend Democratic. Obama will verstanden wissen, dass Biden ein Avatar für eine dritte Amtszeit Obamas ist. This was the first presidential election since 1952 in which neither of the major party candidates was either the incumbent president or Vice-President. Senator Barack Obama's victory is credited to his competitive edge in social media and Internet following. [89] During this period, John McCain's election prospects fell with several politically costly comments about the economy. During late 2007, the two parties adopted rules against states' moving their primaries to an earlier date in the year. 1876 • 5. "[91] With the perception among voters to the contrary, the comment appeared to cost McCain politically. [54] In the third quarter of 2007, the top four GOP (Republican) fundraisers were Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, and Ron Paul. [37], There was some speculation that the fight over the delegates could last until the convention in August. McCain also scored wins in seven other states, picking up 574 delegates. Die republikanischen Gegenkandidaten, Senator John McCain aus Arizona und Gouverneurin Sarah Palin aus Alaska, unterlagen deutlich. [41] He was the first African American to win the nomination of a major political party in the United States. [12] Clinton's win was the first time a woman had ever won a major American party's presidential primary for the purposes of delegate selection. Article Two of the United States Constitution provides that the President and Vice President of the United States must be natural-born citizens of the United States, at least 35 years old, and residents of the United States for a period of at least 14 years. Together with Maine, which would not split its votes until 2016, Nebraska is one of two states that split their electoral votes, two going to the statewide popular vote winner and the rest going to the winner of each respective congressional district (Nebraska has three, and Maine has two). Historische Wahl Nicht nur wegen des Ergebnisses ist diese Wahl als historisch zu bezeichnen. This election exhibited the continuation of some of the polarization trends evident in the 2000 and 2004 elections. Polls regularly found the general electorate as a whole divided more evenly between 'change' and 'experience' as candidate qualities than the Democratic primary electorate, which split in favor of 'change' by a nearly 2-1 margin. [12], Der Parteitag der Demokraten wurde mit Spannung erwartet, da die Frage offen war, ob enttäuschte Clinton-Anhänger Obama das Vertrauen aussprechen würden. 1960 • [162], The following candidates and parties had ballot listing or write-in status in more than one state:[163]. This out-of-touch image was further cultivated when, on September 15, the day of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, at a morning rally in Jacksonville, Florida, McCain declared that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," despite what he described as "tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall Street. Obama won Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, and Virginia in the South (region as defined by the US Census Bureau). So wie Angelo Merte die AfD. [178] Obama and Biden were the first President and Vice President elected from the Senate since 1960 (John F. Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson) (in the previous election cycle (2004) Democrats also nominated two sitting Senators, John Kerry of Massachusetts and John Edwards of North Carolina, but they lost to incumbents Bush and Cheney), Obama became the first Northern Democratic president since Kennedy, and the Obama-Biden ticket was the first winning Democratic ticket to feature two Northerners since 1940 (Franklin D. Roosevelt/Henry A. Wallace). Although Obama made a strong effort to win Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton won that primary by nearly 10%, with approximately 55% of the vote. In vielen Bundesstaaten gab es sogenannte „Write-in“-Kandidaten. [85] Because of Palin's conservative views, there was also concern that she would alienate independents and moderates, two groups that pundits observed McCain would need to win the election.[86]. Donnerstag, 09. Der Bürgermeister von New York, Michael Bloomberg, betrieb eine Wähleranalyse in allen 50 US-Staaten und galt als potentieller parteiloser Kandidat,[5] entschied sich Ende Februar 2008 aber gegen eine Kandidatur fürs Weiße Haus. An October 22, 2008 Pew Research Center poll estimated 70% of registered voters believed journalists wanted Barack Obama to win the election, as opposed to 9% for John McCain. Mike Huckabee repräsentierte den konservativen Flügel, Mitt Romney eher den wirtschaftsliberalen. American University's Center for the Study of the American Electorate released a report on November 6, 2008, two days after the election, which concluded that the anticipated increase in turnout had failed to materialize. [173], Source: Exit polls conducted by Edison Research of Somerville, New Jersey, for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News.[174]. [29] In addition, Clinton had several advantages in Pennsylvania. [142] Obama appeared just before midnight Eastern Time in Grant Park, Chicago, in front of a crowd of 250,000 people to deliver his victory speech. Columbus Dispatch, October 19, 2008", "Most Voters Say Media Wants Obama to Win", High Marks for the Campaign, a High Bar for Obama, "Who Lost the Debate? Neither Obama, or McCain at the time of the deadline had been confirmed as the candidate for their respective parties. Diese waren. Die Parteitage zur Nominierung des jeweiligen Präsidentschaftskandidaten (Party-Conventions) fanden vom 25. bis 28. [123], Libertarian candidate Bob Barr filed a lawsuit in Texas to have Obama and McCain removed from the ballot in that state. In previous cycles, the candidates were effectively chosen by the end of the primaries held in March, but, in this cycle, however, Barack Obama did not win enough delegates to secure the nomination until June 3, after a 17-month campaign against Hillary Clinton. Zudem vertrat er die Ansicht, dass ein Kandidat bis Ende 2007 mindestens 100 Millionen Dollar an Wahlkampfmitteln zur Verfügung haben sollte, um ernst genommen zu werden und bundesweite Chancen zu haben. John McCain's support for the troop 'surge' employed by General David Petraeus, which was one of several factors credited with improving the security situation in Iraq, may have boosted McCain's stance on the issue in voters' minds. This run would be his second attempt at the presidency. "Mark Niquette and Jill Riepenhoff, "'Voters' Flocking to Ohio," Columbus Dispatch, October 22, 2008", "Jill Riepenhoff, "Illegal Voters, or Just Getting Out the Vote?" Although he supported the war in Iraq, McCain made an effort to show that he had disagreed with Bush on many other key issues such as climate change. Darker red indicates the county voted more Republican. Nun röstet auch noch Ex-Präsident Barack Obama Trump im Wahlkampf. Senator from Delaware, defeated the Republican ticket of John McCain, the senior Senator from Arizona, and Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska. He was the first Democrat to win without Arkansas since that state joined the Union in 1836 and the first Democrat to win the presidency without winning West Virginia since 1916. McCain also appeared at several campaign stops with his still-active 95-year-old mother. McCain won most of the Deep South, where white voters had generally supported Republican candidates by increasingly large margins in the previous few decades. Romney endorsed McCain on February 14.[65]. Nebraska's other four electoral votes went to John McCain. However, Obama was quick to remind voters that there would have been no need for a "surge" had there been no war at all, thus questioning McCain's judgment. John McCain supported the war while Barack Obama opposed it (Obama's early and strong opposition to the war helped him stand out against the other Democratic candidates during the primaries, as well as stand out to a war-weary electorate during the general campaign). Diese Wahl war die erste seit 1988, bei der ehemalige Kongressabgeordnete für Drittparteien antraten. Daraus ging Barack Obama, Senator aus Illinois und Kandidat der Demokratischen Partei, als Sieger und damit als der 44. 2016 • Wie hieß Barack Obamas Gegner bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen im Jahr 2012? Wahl des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika fand am 4. Die parteiinternen Vorwahlen der Demokraten und Republikaner begannen am 3. "[135] A Gallup poll released on May 29, 2008 also estimated that more Americans felt the media was being harder on Hillary Clinton than they were towards Barack Obama. Am 13. [5] Early polls taken before anyone had announced a candidacy had shown Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as the most popular potential Democratic candidates. Diese gaben den aktuellen Wahlkampfverlauf in Form eines nationalen Meinungsbildes wieder. Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont had all counties go to Obama. Obama won the electoral vote from Nebraska's 2nd congressional district, which contains the city of Omaha. [35] The small win in Indiana barely kept her campaign alive for the next month. [92] Despite this decision, McCain was portrayed as somebody not playing a significant role in the negotiations for the first version of the bill, which fell short of passage in the House. 1916 • Obama promised "universal health care, full employment, a green America, and an America respected instead of feared by its enemies".[80]. McCain meanwhile managed a small victory over Huckabee in South Carolina,[59] setting him up for a larger and more important victory over Romney in Florida, which held a closed primary on January 29. Mit über 131 Millionen abgegebenen Stimmen beteiligten sich so viele Menschen wie noch nie zuvor an einer amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl. [10], Obama became the new front runner in New Hampshire, when his poll numbers skyrocketed after his Iowa victory[12] The Clinton campaign was struggling after a huge loss in Iowa and no strategy beyond the early primaries and caucuses. [61], McCain was also endorsed in February by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger before the California primary took place on Super Tuesday. Weiterhin sind auch einige unabhängige Kandidaturen im Vorfeld der Wahl im November diskutiert worden. 1896 • Im Wahljahr fanden teilweise in täglichen Intervallen Umfragen zahlreicher Meinungsforschungsinstitute statt. 74% of North Carolina's registered African American voters turned out, as opposed to 69% of North Carolinians in general, with Obama carrying 100% (with rounding) of African-American females and African Americans age 18 to 29, according to exit polling.

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